because blogger is lame, these pictures are in the reverse order of how i wanted to share them. and also because i am lame, these pictures/post are about 2 months late.
we went to d-land for my birfday back in march. d-land is great because they were letting the birthday kid get in free on his/her birfday. my birfday = saturday = d-land = awesome!
the above pic was at the end of the day. we ate at tortilla joes. it was pretty cool because we were seated at the same table that we ate at the night we got engaged. awwwww!

this awesomeness is on space mountain. i never have a good face for the pic they take at the end, but i think this one turned out pretty good. we look like we are having LOADS of fun.

some nice middle aged couple offered to take our pic so we didn't have to do the one-hand-out-in-front-of-you ghetto pic. very nice of them. snow white's castle. as cameron would say, "booyah!"

first ride of the day - jungle cruise. gotta love the cheesy jokes. btw - this ride is way better at night, we have decided.
and also...nice face cameron.
and i had to buy those terrible sunglasses for 20 bucks at rite aide. i was piiiiiiissed.