Sunday, July 12, 2009

Vacation Part 3 - Arizona

immediately upon leaving bishop we were in the car headed to arizona. it was the first time we had driven this route and boy, was it a doozy! i know there are longer car rides, but this one seemed sooo long! i think we were driving for nearly 12 hours. and for me, a person who is NOT a fan of roadtrips, this was not an ideal situation!

anyway, once we got to az, we celebrated the 4th, and then we headed up to greer,az with (almost) the entire schumacher side of the family. it was a very nice time and many of us would like to make this a family tradition every summer.

i was lame and didn't take hardly ANY stupid! this pic is from a bike ride we took with two of my cousins, camra & samantha, and erin and donny (cam too). it was fun, but again i say, not the easiest when you are preggo - it's just so much harder to breathe!
this is a side-of-the-road couple pic. aww...aren't we cute?!

my sis and i - forgive my huge abdomen.

last but certainly not least...this is probably the gem of all gems when it comes to pictures. after we got back from greer, we were able to hang with my brother (who was not able to get off work to come to the cabin). my bro got to telling a story about one time when he tasted the drink "clamato." to sum it up, he thought it was the most vile thing to ever cross his lips. (i don't blame him. just the thought: clam juice + tomto juice = BARF!) anywho...i opened my big fat mouth and said, "you guys should have a clamato drinking contest." because my bro vowed to never drink the stuff again, he changed the contest to be: if cam drank 64 oz. of clamato within a certain time frame then adam would by cameron and i dinner. game on! cameron pulled through without barfing and we got a free dinner. the extra cool thing is that erin and donny came along AND we went to a sushi place that had CHICKEN sushi! i could actually eat it! i was so pumped! i have missed sushi so much! but i digress...
this pic is clearly BEFORE the clamato conusmption began. notice the non-barfy look on cameron's face and the "sucker!" look on adam's face.

Vacation Part 2 - Bishop

about a week after we got back from vegas we hit the road again to see cam's family up in the bishop area. cameron said that he wanted to take me backpacking in the high sierra's for my first time backpacking. i said, no thank you. i will go backpacking sometime, but i didn't want my first time to be when i am over months preggo and used to breathing at sea level. maybe next summer. so, we compromised that we would camp at one of the higher elevation campsites and do day hikes and fishing at the may lakes and streams up in that area.

i think we hiked up to this stream and ate lunch here. it was very pretty.

by the look on my face, this is before i had to pee in he woods. fyi - i splashed a little on my shoes... no biggie
this is my little frog that my mother-in-law caught. isn't he cute?!

my MIL's husband has this boat and he let us take it out whenever we wanted. we were pretty tired when this was taken, but it was really nice to go out on the lake and take in the scenery and the cool breeze.

we camped our first night there. it was pretty fun! our site was right by the river and we could hear it rushing all night long. it was great for me because it was basically the "white noise" i am used to lulling me to sleep. the only dowfall is that we slept on an air mattress. it started out great...nice and firm like a real mattress. sometime during the night cam let some air out and after that point my butt kept falling asleep no matter what position i was in. needless to say i got little sleep that night.

all in all it was a great time and i look forward to doing it again. only next time i won't feel so limited due to being preggo.

Vacation Part 1 - Las Vegas

almost as soon as cameron was finished with the school year we got out of town! one of our favorite things to do each summer is head to vegas. i think we both like it so much because we can go there and just be ourselves. we don't have to worry about being seen by students/parents/colleagues...we can just sorta blend in. here are some pics from our trip...
this car was parked in the valet section and we thought...hey, let's be typical tourists and have cameron pose like a bro in front of a car that we can never afford. beautiful.
we splurged a little bit and went and saw "o" by cirque du soleil. it was a-maz-ing! highly recommended. the show had water, acrobatics, and wierd contumes...a great combo.