So, we brought in the new year as hard as any parents of a 2 month old could...i don't think i need go into any detail as to how we did that. wyatt brought in the new year as he came into the last one: a bit of crying and a lot of sleeping.
Wyatt is now 11 weeks old and such a little cutie. He's as calm as can be unless he is hungry or tired. He is also sleeping like a champ - around 8 hours a night! The pictures below are from his 10th week of life.
Our future NBA star: the next white Michael Jordan
Matching Dodger hats...I am sure Cameron would tattoo this picture on the inside of his eyelids if he
had the money or a high enough pain tolerance.
Cute, happy Wyatt. We wanted to get a picture of him in this warm bear outfit before he grows out of it. 
This is his blizzard outfit. He actually didn't mind being in this. anyone getting flashes of "The Christmas Story" in their head?
I was trying to make the same face as him by sticking my tongue out. no such luck.
Wyatt had to get his first round of shots to bring in the new year. boy, that was not fun. but the good part is that he got over it and was back to normal in no time. He weighed in at 12 ish pounds and is in the 94th percentile for height. I wonder where he got that from???
All is well in our house. I am still on maternity leave and we are wrestling with when i will return to work and in what capacity. So, any prayers for us are welcome!