So, I am lame and forgot to post about our really fun July 4th experience. Cameron and I drove over to Arizona to hang out with my fam for about a week. It was fun. First, we had all of our family and our extended family rent a cabin up in Greer, AZ. It was absolutely beautiful! The weather was more than 30-40 degrees cooler than the valley during the day. The rainshowers up there - amazing! It reminded me of when i was a kid and would go up to Rock Point, AZ on the Navajo Reservation for mission trips with my church. I always thought they had the best rain storms up there - but Greer has matched it. We did a lot of fishing (my fave), and my brother-in-law, Donny, taught all of us how to fly fish (thanks Donny!)

this is the lodge with one of a few ponds surrounding the area.

Yours truly :)

Cameron wishing he could be a cowboy. He looks more like a farmer with that shirt on.

The first fish I caught FLY FISHING! YEAH!

We also rode horses around the area. My dad is such a tourist with his camera.

This was my first time riding a horse. I was scared to say the least.
What? I didnt want to end up like Christopher Reeves (may he R.I.P.)
I REALLY wanted to wear a helmet, but not many of the fam was down with that - too worried about fashion. So I ask, "what's cuter: a helmet or a breathing tube? "
I never did get the helmet...
Apes, I can't believe you've never ridden a horse! I'm glad you don't have a breathing tube and that you survived.
I love horses! I'm sure your helmet would have spooked them anyways. Fun Fourth!
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