Monday, December 21, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
things were a little different this Thanksgiving than most. aside from having a baby this year, it was different because it was the 1st thanksgiving since cameron and i have been married that we didn't travel to one of our parents houses for the holiday. we had a great time. cameron's dad and his lady friend were able to come to us this year and made a complete feast for us. it was truly delish. we were so happy that 1) we were able to spend the holiday with some family; 2) that they were understanding enough to understand how uncomfortable we were traveling with a new baby and made the trek all the way to see us; 3) that they made the entire meal for us! for those who don't know, thanksgiving is my FAVORITE holiday! this year was extra awesome because after watching what i ate for 9 months while pregnant, i certainly pigged out this year and LOVED it!
Thanksgiving day also marked Wyatt's 4 week old birthday! He chose to wear the outfit his aunt erin and uncle donny gave him. i think he made a good choice! we are thankful for him too!
i had to add the pic below because i thought it was funny. wyatt is actually really hungry and was rooting toward my face, but it looks like he is giving a kiss.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Wyatt is here!
Here is how our little Wyatt Adam Lehman came into the world...
here are some pictures of our babes first few days of life...
With our midwife's advice, we decided that an induction was in order. Wyatt was measuring rather large (9 lbs. 11 oz. at 38 weeks) on the ultrasounds and they feared that he would have a rather difficult time making his way out naturally. babies only get larger as they approach their due date so praying for his growth to slow or cease was futile. so, we decided that we would go into the hospital at 7:30 pm on wednesday ocotber 28th - 5 days before his due date. cameron and i decided that we would go out to dinner that night for the "last supper" as a couple. i was told to eat a lot of carbs because i wouldn't be eating regular food for quite some time after checking into the hospital. we went to macaroni grill. it was nice, relaxed, and very tasty. i then received a phone call from the hospital at 7 pm telling us not to come in. apparently a lot of women were going into labor that night and they didn't have enough nurses to care for us at that time. we called back at 9pm like they asked us to, and they told us to come in. we got to the hospital and the process began! i had to put on the lovely labor gown and then get hooked up to all the monitors - one to monitor contractions and one to monitor the baby's heartbeat. another nurse then came in to take my blood (never fun). my parents drove in from arizona that night and stopped by to visit us for a while. at around 11pm i was given cervadil. i was told more than likely the cervadil would have to stay in place for 12 hours and may or may not start labor. if the labor didn't come on with the cervadil, then pitocin would be administered (i really didn't want pitocin!). at about 1am my contractions began. at first they weren't that bad. i felt like i had bad mentstrual cramps in my lower abdomen and lower back. cameron and i decided we would move around as much as possible to hopefully help the labor progress. when i went in i had already dilated to a 3 and was 80% effaced. i was pretty excited that i had at least progressed somewhat on my own before going in to be induced because everyone knows that many times inductions fail and then a c-section is the last resort. i did not want a c-section if at all possible. by about 4 in the morning all the "tricks" we were told to help ease contraction pain were failing - walking, massage, breathing, etc. cameron and i decided that we would take an epidural when the pain became too exhasuting, but i TRULY did want to experience labor pains to know what it was like (and i must admit i wanted to know if i could focus enough to power through the pain). by about 6 am i was dilated to a 5 and was ready for some pain relief. they broke my water and i knew there was no turning back! we were having a baby soon! the nurses tried to get me to stick to my birth plan (i.e. wait as long as possible for pain meds) and encouraged me to take a hot shower. i reluctantly agreed and hopped in the shower for about 45 minutes. all i can say is that once the pain reaches a certain point - next to nothing helps ease it. breathing and focusing worked better for me than a hot shower. at 7 am the doctor came in to administer the epidural. i have scoliosis, so i was prepared for it to be tough for him to give it to me. my inkling was correct - he had to stick me 5 different times to get the right spot. it was pretty difficult to concentrate and not move while having painful contractions, but i made it through. once the epidural kicked in i was feeling great! by 8:30 or 9 (i can't really recall) i was dilated to an 8. our midwife, Kathy was great and she was with us since i was dialted to about a 4. she noticed that my contractions were coming rather close together and the baby's heartbeat was behaving a little abnormally from the contractions. she decided we needed to monitor the baby's heartbeat and my contractions internally. both devices were inserted and were used for a very short time. Kathy came back into the room and told us that my contractions were coming too close together for the baby's heartrate to recover. on top of that there was a little more bloody show than she would have liked. with the combination of those things she thought it best to get the baby out sooner rather than later - this meant a c-section - an emergency c-section. at this point none of our family members knew what was happening. the doctor had already been called and was on his way. no sooner did Kathy deliver the news than our room was flooded with people all ready to fulfill the task of getting me to the ER to have a baby. cameron couldn't come into the ER with my right away. while i was alone in the ER, Kathy was doing her best to console me becuase i was naturally scared as this was NOT how we planned on having our baby. i was so scared that the anesthesia was not going to work and i was going to feel everything. my entire body was numb from my nipples down and from my shoulder to my fingertips. cameron was finally allowed to come into the room and held my hand. he was scared and crying and i was scared and cried because he did. i felt the moment they pulled our baby out - i felt a million times lighter! when the baby finally cried it wasn't very loud. i was praying he was ok. cameron was crying and said he was cute. i asked if he was fat and cameron said, "yes." then i asked, "does he look like a wyatt?" cameron said, "yes." it seemed like a million years before i got to see him. once i finally did, i thought he was the cutest baby i had ever seen. i couldn't hold him so i just looked at him and said "hi!" our first meeting was about 20 seconds long and then they had to take wyatt away to the nursery. cameron had to go with the baby, but didn't want to leave my side. at some point cameron called my parents and told them the surprising news and they drove down to the hospital. i was then cleaned up and wheeled into a recovery room where my temperature, blood pressure, and other things were monitored for about 2 hours! the nursery was right next door and the nurses initially said that cameron couldn't bring the baby in to see me. they then bent the rules a bit and allowed cameron to bring wyatt in. i still couldn't hold him because my hands were numb, but boy was he cute! i used to think newborns were rather ugly looking, but wyatt sure wasn't! perfect head, perfect face, and super long fingers and toes! he was born on 10-29 and weighed in at 8lbs 11 oz and was 21 inches long with dark brown hair. once the spinal block wore off and the numbness wore off i finally got to hold our little bundle. he is perfect and we love him so much! i don't even care that our birth was rather rough - we are just thankful that wyatt is here and safe and healthy!
here are some pictures of our babes first few days of life...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
one month left
do i really need to comment on this? let's just say that this kid of mine is pretty much out of room.
and we have a lot of time left for him to outwear his welcome. but...fat babies are the best babies!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Fall is, by far, my most favorite time of year. Today, the wind is bowing the crispy leaves around. it's great. the best part is that our wee babe will be born in the fall. lucky him! that is all.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
the home stretch...
i am hesitant to even call this the "home stretch" because i have around 6 weeks left or so, but i feel these last weeks are going to fly by considering how busy work has been.
i compare this picture to the last one i posted. i'm no rocket scientist, but i am drastically bigger these days!
i am still feeling good (aside from waking at 4 in the morning and not being able to fall back asleep) and am still able to exercise almost every day. hopefully that means the baby weight will drop off quickly :)
Cameron's Birthday - 26!
I am a bad wife-blogger. Cameron's birthday was all the way back in August and i didn't even document it! he turned a whopping 26 years old! We had a small little gathering at our house with some friends from work/church and some college buddies. it was great fun. we ate tri-tip, cupcakes, and other goodies!
we attempted to play a rousing game of catch phrase, but the dodger game happened to be on at the same time. cam has this friend named "dodger dave." hopefully the name says it all, but in case it doesn't - he LOVES all things DODGERS. the man couldn't even function while the dodgers were on t.v. - it was as if nothing else existed. unfortunately, he was on my team and i really like to win at catch phrase. needless to say, we didn't win. i blame the dodgers.
for cameron's birthday gift, i took him to a dodger game. he always wants to go to a dodger game, but this one was a little extra special. we bought tickets in the "all you can eat" pavillion. if anyone knows cameron, you know his affinity for food and the fact that he can definitely pack it in. in this first picture below, he is on his fourth hot dog and i don't think the game had started yet. the price was totally not worth it for an eater like me, but cameron certainly made up for my lack of eating. let's just say the next couple days he didn't feel all that well in the tummy area. he'll tell you it was totally worth it.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
shiatsu massage...from the inside.

well, it seems that i have my own personal shiatsu massage going on in my abdomen from time to time throughout the day. unfortunately, this particular shiatsu is not the amazing-please-a-little-to-the-left kind one would get from a machine. the massages i get are always on the right side of my midsecton and never hard enough or rubbing on a sore muscle. if only he would do his shiatsu-thang on the right side of my back from the THAT would be the spot!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Debut...sort of
enjoy the bambino!
Friday, August 7, 2009
i am pretty sure only the fam cares about the belly because hey, the general public doesn't usually get as excited about people getting BIGGER as they do SMALLER.
enjoy my growing midsection! well, actually, enjoy my expanding body in general (because it doesn't really stop at the midsection) :)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Vacation Part 3 - Arizona
immediately upon leaving bishop we were in the car headed to arizona. it was the first time we had driven this route and boy, was it a doozy! i know there are longer car rides, but this one seemed sooo long! i think we were driving for nearly 12 hours. and for me, a person who is NOT a fan of roadtrips, this was not an ideal situation!
anyway, once we got to az, we celebrated the 4th, and then we headed up to greer,az with (almost) the entire schumacher side of the family. it was a very nice time and many of us would like to make this a family tradition every summer.
i was lame and didn't take hardly ANY stupid! this pic is from a bike ride we took with two of my cousins, camra & samantha, and erin and donny (cam too). it was fun, but again i say, not the easiest when you are preggo - it's just so much harder to breathe!
this is a side-of-the-road couple pic. aww...aren't we cute?!
my sis and i - forgive my huge abdomen.
last but certainly not least...this is probably the gem of all gems when it comes to pictures. after we got back from greer, we were able to hang with my brother (who was not able to get off work to come to the cabin). my bro got to telling a story about one time when he tasted the drink "clamato." to sum it up, he thought it was the most vile thing to ever cross his lips. (i don't blame him. just the thought: clam juice + tomto juice = BARF!) anywho...i opened my big fat mouth and said, "you guys should have a clamato drinking contest." because my bro vowed to never drink the stuff again, he changed the contest to be: if cam drank 64 oz. of clamato within a certain time frame then adam would by cameron and i dinner. game on! cameron pulled through without barfing and we got a free dinner. the extra cool thing is that erin and donny came along AND we went to a sushi place that had CHICKEN sushi! i could actually eat it! i was so pumped! i have missed sushi so much! but i digress...
anyway, once we got to az, we celebrated the 4th, and then we headed up to greer,az with (almost) the entire schumacher side of the family. it was a very nice time and many of us would like to make this a family tradition every summer.
i was lame and didn't take hardly ANY stupid! this pic is from a bike ride we took with two of my cousins, camra & samantha, and erin and donny (cam too). it was fun, but again i say, not the easiest when you are preggo - it's just so much harder to breathe!
Vacation Part 2 - Bishop
about a week after we got back from vegas we hit the road again to see cam's family up in the bishop area. cameron said that he wanted to take me backpacking in the high sierra's for my first time backpacking. i said, no thank you. i will go backpacking sometime, but i didn't want my first time to be when i am over months preggo and used to breathing at sea level. maybe next summer. so, we compromised that we would camp at one of the higher elevation campsites and do day hikes and fishing at the may lakes and streams up in that area.
i think we hiked up to this stream and ate lunch here. it was very pretty.
by the look on my face, this is before i had to pee in he woods. fyi - i splashed a little on my shoes... no biggie
my MIL's husband has this boat and he let us take it out whenever we wanted. we were pretty tired when this was taken, but it was really nice to go out on the lake and take in the scenery and the cool breeze.
we camped our first night there. it was pretty fun! our site was right by the river and we could hear it rushing all night long. it was great for me because it was basically the "white noise" i am used to lulling me to sleep. the only dowfall is that we slept on an air mattress. it started out great...nice and firm like a real mattress. sometime during the night cam let some air out and after that point my butt kept falling asleep no matter what position i was in. needless to say i got little sleep that night.
i think we hiked up to this stream and ate lunch here. it was very pretty.
Vacation Part 1 - Las Vegas
almost as soon as cameron was finished with the school year we got out of town! one of our favorite things to do each summer is head to vegas. i think we both like it so much because we can go there and just be ourselves. we don't have to worry about being seen by students/parents/colleagues...we can just sorta blend in. here are some pics from our trip...
this car was parked in the valet section and we thought...hey, let's be typical tourists and have cameron pose like a bro in front of a car that we can never afford. beautiful.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
spoiler alert...oh wait, my sister already did that!

my sister already blogged about this, but i am glad to announce myself, that cameron and i are 99% sure that we are having a wee lad join our family in late oct. / early nov. cameron is beyond overjoyed because his visions of teaching him basketball, baseball, and all other boy stuff will supposedly come true (like body parts are the ONLY reason a person can like that stuff...whatev!) anywho - i am just glad that everything checked out okay. he was measuring a bit ahead of we will see how big he will be on arrival day.
i am just now starting to show - it all happened overnight, basically. one day nothing - the next...BUMP!
needless to say we are both pretty excited and this whole baby thing is becoming more real now that i can feel him kicking and am getting a bulge in the stomach area. hooray for boys!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Be sure to enter this contest. Who knows?! You might win! or maybe i will!
This is a super cute and super stylish dress. Click on the link to find out more about the contest!
Be sure to enter this contest. Who knows?! You might win! or maybe i will!
This is a super cute and super stylish dress. Click on the link to find out more about the contest!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A Wee Babe...
(for Cameron and I, that is)
i am about 17 weeks currently. so far, i'm not really showing. i just look a bit pudgy. i must say, this is hard to deal with since I am used to being more on the lean side. we will hopefully be able to find out the sex on June 9th. Cameron would love to have a boy first, but says that a wee lass would be "so cute." As for me, I honestly don't really have a preference. I also don't have any intuition telling me one way or the other. I've had some dreams where it's been a boy, and then a girl. My friend had a dream that he daughter was born an alligator, and as it turns out, she was indeed a HUMAN girl.
I never really had the morning sickness. I was nauseous for about 2 weeks or so, but it was nothing that made me dry heave, gag, or miss work. I did have the knock-you-upside-the-head exhasution that everyone talks about - boy is that rough!
Cameron has been so nice through the whole thing and has picked up many of the chores that I used to take care of. Now (thankfully) I have my energy back and am getting excited to embark upon this new chapter of our life together.
I am still doing my kickboxing classes and my running now that I am not so tired. i hope that i can continue those for a good while. although it probably won't keep the weight down, it will at least make me THINK that I am.
Oh yeah, that baby is due November 2.
(for Cameron and I, that is)
i am about 17 weeks currently. so far, i'm not really showing. i just look a bit pudgy. i must say, this is hard to deal with since I am used to being more on the lean side. we will hopefully be able to find out the sex on June 9th. Cameron would love to have a boy first, but says that a wee lass would be "so cute." As for me, I honestly don't really have a preference. I also don't have any intuition telling me one way or the other. I've had some dreams where it's been a boy, and then a girl. My friend had a dream that he daughter was born an alligator, and as it turns out, she was indeed a HUMAN girl.
I never really had the morning sickness. I was nauseous for about 2 weeks or so, but it was nothing that made me dry heave, gag, or miss work. I did have the knock-you-upside-the-head exhasution that everyone talks about - boy is that rough!
Cameron has been so nice through the whole thing and has picked up many of the chores that I used to take care of. Now (thankfully) I have my energy back and am getting excited to embark upon this new chapter of our life together.
I am still doing my kickboxing classes and my running now that I am not so tired. i hope that i can continue those for a good while. although it probably won't keep the weight down, it will at least make me THINK that I am.
Oh yeah, that baby is due November 2.
Monday, April 20, 2009
meez birfday
we went to d-land for my birfday back in march. d-land is great because they were letting the birthday kid get in free on his/her birfday. my birfday = saturday = d-land = awesome!
the above pic was at the end of the day. we ate at tortilla joes. it was pretty cool because we were seated at the same table that we ate at the night we got engaged. awwwww!
and also...nice face cameron.
and i had to buy those terrible sunglasses for 20 bucks at rite aide. i was piiiiiiissed.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
How well do you know your Husband?
Here's a chance to see how well you really know your husband. Cut, paste and fill in the answers, then check with your spouse, to see how right you really are.
1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen? Easpn ANYTHING. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. it's gets old after a while :)
2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Vinegarette if they have it. if they don't, then italian.
3. What's one food he doesn't like? He likes all foods other than sweets. He could really care less about them. Cakes, cookies, pie - he'll only eat them if someone worked hard on them and there's nothing else to eat.
4. You go out to eat and have a drink. His drink would be? We usually only drink water. He likes the occasional glass of wine or beer (bleh!)
5. Where did he go to high school? Bishop Union High School. yeah, you've probably never heard of it.
6. What size shoe does he wear? Depends on the shoe. 14 or 15
7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? sports stuff. also cute things i have given him.
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? Tri-tip
9. What would he eat every day if he could? Probably my turkey meatloaf and healthy mashed potatoes.
10. What is his favorite cereal? Frosted Mini-wheats or Kashi
11. What would he never wear? Anything cut in the "modern fit" or "skinny style," as i call it. he's too tall and would be fearful of looking like a giant stick.
12. What is his favorite sports team? Lakers, Dodgers, Suns (because of me)
13. Who did he vote for? McCain
14. Who is his best friend? I AM! YAY!
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? Take longer than 15 minutes to get ready. he wishes i got ready like a boy sometimes.
16. What is his Heritage? German and Scandinavian
17. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake? German Chocolate or Texas Sheet cake
18. Did he play sports in high school? yeah - BIG TIME basketball player. i guess you have to be when you are 6'9." he also was on the swim team and was pretty good from what i hear.
19. What could he spend hours doing? working out or watching ESPN
20. What is one thing you appreciate about him? he is MUCH more mature than i am when it comes to arguments. there are tons of other things, but this quiz only asks for one :)
1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen? Easpn ANYTHING. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. it's gets old after a while :)
2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Vinegarette if they have it. if they don't, then italian.
3. What's one food he doesn't like? He likes all foods other than sweets. He could really care less about them. Cakes, cookies, pie - he'll only eat them if someone worked hard on them and there's nothing else to eat.
4. You go out to eat and have a drink. His drink would be? We usually only drink water. He likes the occasional glass of wine or beer (bleh!)
5. Where did he go to high school? Bishop Union High School. yeah, you've probably never heard of it.
6. What size shoe does he wear? Depends on the shoe. 14 or 15
7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? sports stuff. also cute things i have given him.
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? Tri-tip
9. What would he eat every day if he could? Probably my turkey meatloaf and healthy mashed potatoes.
10. What is his favorite cereal? Frosted Mini-wheats or Kashi
11. What would he never wear? Anything cut in the "modern fit" or "skinny style," as i call it. he's too tall and would be fearful of looking like a giant stick.
12. What is his favorite sports team? Lakers, Dodgers, Suns (because of me)
13. Who did he vote for? McCain
14. Who is his best friend? I AM! YAY!
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? Take longer than 15 minutes to get ready. he wishes i got ready like a boy sometimes.
16. What is his Heritage? German and Scandinavian
17. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake? German Chocolate or Texas Sheet cake
18. Did he play sports in high school? yeah - BIG TIME basketball player. i guess you have to be when you are 6'9." he also was on the swim team and was pretty good from what i hear.
19. What could he spend hours doing? working out or watching ESPN
20. What is one thing you appreciate about him? he is MUCH more mature than i am when it comes to arguments. there are tons of other things, but this quiz only asks for one :)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
LARP in the park

anywho - that has nothing to do with this post or this picture other than i am finally updating. that being said, this past weekend cameron's mom was here. on sunday after church i was tired and so i took a nap. cam and his mom went for a walk and had a few stories to share when they returned. ever heard of a little thing called LARPing? i saw it featured on a show once and didn't really believe that it existed. LARP stands for Live Action Role Play. so, cameron and his mom were walking and came upon a park in our neighborhood. you guessed it, they saw LARPers! they do exist. i so wish that i could have seen the event with my own eyes, but i trust their story. LARPers get together and role play as if they are (as far as i can guess) renaissance fighters/knights and damsels. seems very mature and fulfilling.
that's the most interesting thing as of late. thanksforlisteningokbye.
Monday, January 19, 2009
People in Hollywood are weird
So, i had been wanting to see Wicked for a REEEEEAAAALLY long time. The entire time that i have lived in the LA area, Wicked has been available for my viewing pleasure. unfortunately, i am a cheapskate and a procrastinator also. Long story short, Cameron and I planned to go on a Christmas date rather than spend a ton of money on gifts to eachother. we planned to see the show on Tuesday January 6th. it was the ONLY day we had available to see it. oh, did i mention that the show was ending FOREVER that Sunday? it was now or never.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Christmas / NYE
Ok, here is a brief snippet of what we were up to over the holidays. cameron was in a wedding a few days after Christmas, so my family came over from AZ (minus adam) to chill with us.
it was a great time and very relaxing. none of us got out of our pajamas all Christmas day! very hygenic!

After the wedding, we headed over to AZ to spend new years. here we are toasting at exactly 12:00. of course we kissed, but i won't gross you out with those.
and this is prolly my favorite pic. of the trip. we visited my friend bert and her baby macey. i have always told cameron that when we have a baby i am gonna get him a baby front pack. i pleaded with bert to play with her baby for a photo op. she kindly obliged. it's a tiny baby and a giant man! whoah! i almost peed myself when i saw the size comparison. for your viewing pleasure.
it was a great time and very relaxing. none of us got out of our pajamas all Christmas day! very hygenic!
we also snapped a quick family pic at my parents new house. their house is really nice and make cam and i yearn for the day that we too can own a home. sigh. maybe someday. sorry, it's a little dark.
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