here is an INSIDE look (get it?....
inside???...NEVERMIND.) at our wee lad. we had this ultrasound done on friday of last week. we didn't get any super good pics because he was being really wiggly and a bit uncooperative, but that's ok. we were excited for what we did get to see. also, i had the technician confirm that he is, in fact, still a BOY. she was a bit offended that i asked for a confirmation, but there is always errancy with these types of things. anywho - we also found out that we will most likely be getting ANOTHER ultrasound around 36-38 weeks or so, which is cool because at that point he will be good and FAT!
enjoy the bambino!
That is awesome...do you have any names picked out?
I totally got it, the whole "inside" thing, clev-er Apes!
You guys make very cute chalupas!
That is a good picture! Congrats! He has your smile (:
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