Thursday, September 24, 2009

the home stretch...

i am hesitant to even call this the "home stretch" because i have around 6 weeks left or so, but i feel these last weeks are going to fly by considering how busy work has been.

i compare this picture to the last one i posted.  i'm no rocket scientist, but i am drastically bigger these days!
i am still feeling good (aside from waking at 4 in the morning and not being able to fall back asleep) and am still able to exercise almost every day.  hopefully that means the baby weight will drop off quickly :)


Amy said...

Hang in there! I hope you're not too uncomfortable. Watching you go through this stage is making me a bit leery for the upcoming months in my own pregnancy, haha.

Cec said...

You look awesome! It is the home stretch...just think in a few more weeks you'll have a brand new human being in your arms!

Hey April what's your email address so I can send you your invite again?

Patterson Family said...

You look too cute! I hope time does fly for you these next couple weeks. It never did for me): I always felt like the last month was as long as the entire pregnancy! Something about being huge and uncomfortable keeps coming to mind(: Good luck! Can't wait to see baby pictures!