I will admit it...this blog will probably turn into Wyatts blog with little to nothing about Cam or myself...but that's okay - Wyatt is way more interesting than we are!
So, it's official...Wyatt is 3 months old and no longer a newborn (sniff, sniff)
But he sure is cute and keeps us smiling every day!
In the last 2 weeks Wyatt has had a verbal explosion (as much as a little baby can at this stage). He "talked" quite a bit when he was 8-10 weeks old, but then seemed to taper off and not say much. We think he was just listening intensely. Then all of asudden, bam! He started talking again - and even more so! I tried to upload a video of it on here, but it appears that blogger no longer offers that option.
Here Wyatt is laughing while playing a game I made up (no those are not my legs - they are Cameron's. I taught him the game). Wyatt loves it and it was while playing this game that he shared his first real laugh!
Here his is doing what he loves to do - suck on his hands.
i swear he is going to suck them raw one of these days!
just a cute pic of wyatt. forgive me, i was headed to the gym.
wyatt has finally let us do more than 5 seconds of tummy time with him. look how strong he is! he's getting better and better about sitting like that each time he does it!
we recently attempted to transition wyatt to his crib. he has been sleeping in the pack n' play in our room since birth. the first night was very rough. we thought he would sleep just fine on the flat surface of the mattress without the use of the sleep postioner. boy, were we wrong! not 1 hour into sleep did i hear a strange muffled noise on the baby monitor. i woke up cameron (who didn't hear a thing!) and told him to come with me to check on wyatt. the sound was so odd that i thought someone was in the room with him. we charged into his room and saw that wyatt had scooted all the way to the corner of his crib and had his face smashed in the corner. he wasn't crying or anything but i dread to think of what could have happened if he slept like that! back to our room he went to sleep, but this time we took off the newborn napper attachment. still no sleep positioner was used and he woke up every 1-2 hours. after that night we decided that we would use the sleep positioner. the positioner worked and he was able to sleep for 5-6 hours straight (nothing compared to his 8-9 he slept in the napper!) and didn't wiggle off into the corner of the pack n' play. i think we will try in a week or so to get him into his crib. hopefully he will go back to sleeping 8-9 hours, but who knows!
ahhh...he is so big! and i already see that wyatt and branson are going to be twinners w/ everything they wear :)
3 months is the best! It's like they start to realize that they are people too! He's adorable!
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