Sunday, September 23, 2007

Redneck Weddin' Pics...

This is me and my new boyfriend, Wiley. He is 3 months old. I am in love. This is NOT my baby.

This is Cam and I - obviously

This is Doug & Steph cutting their purty weddin' cake. Notice the carribeaner hanging off his belt loop.


William and Marianne said...

redneck or not! weddings are fun! im glad you like the pics!! my camera is a canon EOS 20d! i love it :)

Bert and Benton said...

April, that is a very cute baby you have, I never even knew. So pretty much that is the Coolest honky tonky wedding I've ever laid eyes on. Oh man, I very much hope I get to witness one similar at some point in my life. Thanks for updating! I do enjoy them immensely