Wednesday, October 7, 2009

one month left

do i really need to comment on this?  let's just say that this kid of mine is pretty much out of room.
and we have a lot of time left for him to outwear his welcome.  but...fat babies are the best babies!


Amy said...

Big babies are the best! Plus, I think they sleep through the night earlier and sleep more soundly because they can eat more at one sitting (less waking up due to hunger pains!). :-)

William and Marianne said...

awesome! you still look amazing! u need to post pics of your shower! =) it was so fun!

Erin and Donny said...

It's getting very exciting!!! Can't wait to see him ;)

Junior and Marissa said...

You can do it, You can do it!!! (imagine me pumping my arms as I chant!)