Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Negative People

So, here we are getting ready for another Academic year at the Church & School where I am blessed to work at. We have been in two REALLY LONG staff meetings the past two days - which has been difficult coming off of two weeks of about three hours of sleep per night. It also happens to be the beginning of my third year at this joint, and the past two have been a bit rough and tiring. We have had some MAJOR staff changes for the upcoming year. It is so amazing how a few toxic people with negative, sarcastic, and pompous demeanors can change the entire tone of a staff. I feel that we no longer have to endure those negative energies and am looking VERY forward to what this year will bring. This is a lesson to me and to everyone that we should watch what we say and how we say it. If it is meant to tear someone down, then don't open your mouth. 'Nuf said.

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