Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Erin Got Married!!!

Inside the Bridal Dressing room at the Wright House - Mesa, AZ
Outside the Wright House before the wedding.
Erin and I looking awkward.
Erin and her new in-laws: Don & Sandy Grace.
It was a great wedding and my sister looked amazing! I am glad she found a great guy with a good family! I am thankful I got to be a part of it! Plus, our anniversaries are 4 days apart - now we can take trips together! yee-haw!


William and Marianne said...

very cute :) you and your sister are twins! :)

Bert and Benton said...

Erin's dress is gorgeous! Finally married after like 100 years YAY Donny and Erin!

Amy said...

holy cow I can't believe your sista is married!! And just yesterday me and Jillian and Cory and Brooke and Amber were running around barefoot in the street. Man time goes by fast.